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Farm CCTV Installation

Keep an eye on everything thats important to you.

Farm CCTV systems are revolutionizing the farm industry. With high resolution cameras connected to the internet and linked to your phone, you now have real-time insight into farm operations. Whether it’s for security, monitoring animal behavior, or for checking up on workers, farm CCTV systems can provide an alert straight to your phone if there is an issue that requires attention - allowing farmers to stay on top of their farm operations from anywhere in the world.

Farm CCTV Installers covering a wide area including Norfolk, Suffolk & Cambridgeshire and beyond wherever you are give us a call we might be able to help!

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Surveilance Cameras for security

CCTV Installation For Security

Installing security cameras on a farm is an excellent way to increase security, both against intruders and to monitor activities within the yard, barns, and other areas. A simple farm security camera system will include remote access to view live feeds or recorded footage of activity across the farm. Alerts can be sent straight to your smartphone when motion is detected so that potential security threats can be acted upon quickly if necessary. Installation is usually easy and takes very little time. With a well-installed farm CCTV system, you'll be able to keep an eye on your farm, animals, and equipment from anywhere at any time.

Our CCTV systems make monitoring your property easy and reliable. We source only the most trusted brands, so you can be confident that they'll always perform when needed.

Ensure the security of your farm and keep informed with our advanced alerts! Our state-of-the art cameras detect human or vehicle movement, sending you notifications so that any suspicious activity is immediately reported. Set these tailored alert settings to fit your preferences simply using the mobile app.

Our camera systems offer stunning quality, so no matter what budget you're working with, you'll get clear and crisp footage. We have a range of resolutions to suit your needs - from 4MP up to ultra-high definition 4K resolution!

We use digital IP security camera systems, this gives much more flexibilty for installations. If you need the recorder in your farmhouse but the cameras are in the yard thats no problem we can do that. If you need a camera in a more remote part of the farm and you have line of sight then this is possible.

Number plates are easy during the day, most CCTV systems will obtain a number plate in daylight. When it becomes difficult is at night. We can install a dedicated number plate recognition camera at the entrance to your farm which will record every vehicle and number plate day or night.

Camera systems for animals

Livestock Camera System

Having livestock cameras installed saves so much time and effort. If you have a camera system installed you can quickly check on your phone the well being of your animals, saving you driving to the fields or the barn. We can install fixed cameras or movable high power zoom cameras whatever you need we cn normally find a solution.

We can install movable Pan Tilt and zoom cameras. These give very good coverage and allow you to zoom in to get much more detail than static cameras. We use these inside sheds and also to cover large fields.

Easy to use smartphone app allows you to quickly get onto your cameras to check your livestock. 

We can provide you with a easy to change system, we program and terminate the cables you can then place the cameras where you need them. This is particularly useful during calfing or lambing season when you may need to adjust where the cameras are quickly.

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Flexible Solar Powered CCTV

Remote Area Solar CCTV

Do you need a camera in a area with no power? we can help! We can install single solar powered cameras or a full system powered by solar. We then Use 3G/4G to allow you to view the cameras on you phone.

Solar cameras work very well on remote gateways, we can integrate as part of a automated solar gate or as a standalone camera.

If you are a victim of persistent fly tipping this can cost thousands, fight back with a solar powered cctv system. We can set the camera up with alerts alerting you to activity so you can act to any incident which may happen.

Remote storage sheds such as fertiliser stores sometimes do not have power. Solar powered alarms and cameras are a great way of securing these locations.

How CCTV Surveillance Can Protect Your Farm

If you are a farm owner, you know how important it is to keep your property safe. Investing in a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance system is one of the best ways to help ensure the security and safety of your farm. Let’s take a closer look at why installing CCTV on your farm is so important.

One of the primary benefits of having CCTV cameras installed on your farm is that they can help prevent theft and vandalism. With a comprehensive surveillance system, you can monitor all areas of your farm, both indoors and outdoors, to ensure that any suspicious activity is detected and addressed quickly. You can also use motion detection features to alert you if an intruder enters the property after hours. 

Ensure the security of your farm and keep informed with our advanced alerts! Our state-of-the art cameras detect human or vehicle movement, sending you notifications so that any suspicious activity is immediately reported. Set these tailored alert settings to fit your preferences simply using the mobile app.

Another benefit of a CCTV surveillance system is that it allows you to monitor the health and safety of your livestock from anywhere in the world. For example, if you have cows or sheep grazing in a large pasture, you can set up cameras to track their movements and ensure they are healthy and safe from predators or other animals. You can even install heat sensors in barns and sheds so that if the temperature drops too low for your animals’ comfort, you will be alerted immediately. 

Cameras are also useful for animal welfare monitoring. If someone reports animal cruelty or neglect on your property, cameras can provide evidence as to whether or not those allegations are true. This means that if someone makes false claims against you, then you have proof that nothing happened on your property. Additionally, by having cameras placed around your farm, potential criminals may be deterred from committing any crime against the animals because they know they will be caught on camera. 

Overall, investing in a CCTV surveillance system has many benefits for farm owners who want to protect their property and livestock from theft or harm. Cameras allow farmers to monitor their farms remotely while also providing evidence of any suspicious activity or cruelty towards animals on their premises. A good quality CCTV system will give farmers peace of mind knowing that their land and livestock are secured 24/7/365 with advanced monitoring technology at their fingertips!

Contact Us!

Submit your project details and we will arrange a free on site visit. No Obligation No Pushy Sales Just Good Old Fashioned Honest Advice.

We cover a wide area including Norfolk, Suffolk & Cambridgeshire and beyond wherever you are give us a call we might be able to help!


Contact Details

If you have any quetions or need help with anything, feel free to get in touch.


Dereham, Norfolk


07960 324666